Writing Center
Harvard College
Writing Program
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Harvard University
A Brief Guide to Writing
the History Paper
The Challenges of Writing About
(a.k.a., Making) History
At first glance, writing about history can seem like an
overwhelming task. History’s subject matter is immense,
encompassing all of human affairs in the recorded past —
up until the moment, that is, that you started reading this
guide. Because no one person can possibly consult all of
these records, no work of history can ever pretend to be
comprehensive or universal. At the same time, history’s subject
matter is partially irretrievable. Barring the invention of time
travel, no scholar can experience the past firsthand or recreate
its conditions in a laboratory setting. Historians must rely on
the fragmentary records that survive from the time period
under study, which necessarily reveal just part of the story.
For these reasons, the guiding principles behind all histori-
cal writing must be selection and interpretation: the thoughtful
selection of topics and questions that seem most interesting,
and the responsible interpretation of sources in order to
construct meaningful arguments.
Subjective decisions about what to include, what to exclude,
and how to understand it make history writing manage-
able in the first place. No less importantly, they also make it
controversial, because scholars are bound to disagree with the
judgments of other scholars. You can think of history writing,
then, as an ongoing argument or debate over this unavoidable
process of selection and interpretation. Your first challenge as a
writer is to find a way to enter this conversation.
Common Types of History Papers
History papers come in all shapes and sizes. Some papers are
narrative (organized like a story according to chronology, or
the sequence of events), and some are analytical (organized
like an essay according to the topic’s internal logic). Some
papers are concerned with history (not just what happened,
of course, but why and how it happened), and some are
interested in historiography (i.e., how other historians have
written history, specifically the peculiarities of different works,
scholars, or schools of thought). Some papers emphasize social
or cultural history, others political or military history, and still
others intellectual or economic (or any other genre of) history.
In undergraduate courses, you’ll most likely notice a distinc-
tion between review essays (often based on your responses to
assigned readings from the course syllabus) and research papers
(typically requiring additional research in a library or archive
on a topic of your own choosing). Different types of history
papers naturally require different amounts of research, analysis,
and interpretation.
Despite this variety, historical arguments often assume a
common form. If you’re struggling to develop an argument
for your paper, you might want to rehearse one of the
following rhetorical gambits (see next section). Think of these
approaches as ready-made suits that you can try on and tailor
for the purposes of your assignment. Once you decide on a
workable argument, declare it to your reader in clear, succinct
prose in your thesis statement. This initial statement of your
thesis will almost always appear in the opening paragraph(s) of
a shorter essay or the opening section of a longer paper.
Familiar Arguments in Review Essays
s Scenario #1: Scholars have disagreed about my topic,
and my paper explains why one party in the debate has
been more convincing than the other(s).
s Scenario #2: Scholars have disagreed about my topic,
and my paper demonstrates why the entire debate needs
to be recast in a more meaningful direction.
s Scenario #3: Scholars have (more or less) agreed about
my topic, and my paper argues for a different, better, or
more nuanced interpretation.
Familiar Arguments in Research Papers
s Scenario #1: No one has written about my topic.
Despite this scholarly neglect, my paper explains the
significance of my research topic and offers a provisional
interpretation of this new material.
s Scenario #2: A few scholars have written about my
topic, but gaps and deficiencies in the literature still exist.
My paper examines new or different evidence to correct
these shortcomings.
s Scenario #3: Many scholars have written about
my topic. Despite this attention, my paper calls for
a reassessment of the existing literature based on recent
findings, new methodologies, or original questions.
If the prospect of making your own
selections and defending your own
interpretations sounds daunting, how
do you position yourself to enter the con-
versation? Here are some tried-and-true
strategies that historians often employ:
Unscramble your assignment. Has
your instructor already selected the
salient documents or narrowed the
field of possibilities? Build off this
initial foundation as you develop an
original argument. (For additional
guidance, see the helpful handout by
the Harvard Writing Center on “How
to Read an Assignment.”)
men, sometimes unfamiliar with the
rigors of college history courses, often
conceive of history as a descriptive
record of what happened in the past
(e.g., the U.S. Army Air Forces dropped
atomic bombs on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in August 1945). But inter-
pretative questions — such as why
and how certain events happened
in the past — typically offer more
fruitful subjects for exploration. For
instance, in an essay on Japan’s sur-
render at the end of the Second World
War, students might want to ask why
President Truman decided to use the
atomic bomb against imperial Japan
or how a confluence of specific factors
led him to that epochal decision.
Start small. Read a few documents
closely with an eye for patterns or
common themes. Do you see a way to
reconcile these initial perspectives?
As you read additional documents,
does your original hypothesis
(or simple hunch) hold up?
Start big. Begin with a meaty
question (see above), and locate
sources that might help you answer
it. Test potential answers against
the evidence you collect.
over time. Assign provisional book-
ends to your topic, and consider the
passage of time from point A to point
B. What changed? What stayed the
same? Can you explain this outcome?
4HINK¬DIFFERENTLY Treat the conven-
tional wisdom on your topic with a
dose of skepticism. Question your own
basic assumptions. For instance, were
the “Dark Ages” really a period of
intellectual stagnation in Europe?
Think differently. Treat the
conventional wisdom on your
topic with a dose of skepticism.
Question your own basic
assumptions. For instance, were
the “Dark Ages” really a period
of intellectual stagnation in
Sources for Historical Analysis
Whatever the assignment, all historical writing depends on
sources. Once scholars have located a topic and formulated
a set of historical questions, they turn to sources to begin
answering them. Sources essentially come in two varieties:
s Primary sources are materials produced in the time
period under study; they reflect the immediate concerns
and perspectives of participants in the historical drama.
Common examples include diaries, correspondence,
dispatches, newspaper editorials, speeches, economic data,
literature, art, and film.
s Secondary sources are materials produced after the
time period under study; they consider the historical
subject with a degree of hindsight and generally select,
analyze, and incorporate evidence (derived from primary
sources) to make an argument. Works of scholarship are the
most common secondary sources.
Note that many sources can serve as either primary or
secondary sources, depending on your topic and particular
frame of reference. Edward Gibbon’s History of the Decline and
Fall of the Roman Empire, for instance, can represent a second-
ary source (if your topic is imperial Rome in the first millen-
nium) or a primary source (if your subject is imperial Britain
in the eighteenth century, when Gibbon wrote his master-
piece). Regardless of such categorization, you should treat any
source with a critical eye. Sources do not answer
historical questions on their own; they yield evidence only
after a process of interrogation and analysis.
A Historian’s Use of Evidence
Students unfamiliar with historical analysis often confuse
sources with evidence. Sources, at best, provide raw
materials (metaphorical straw and clay) that scholars
fashion into evidence (bricks) to assemble a historical
argument (structure). In order to collect this evidence,
historians interrogate sources by reading closely and asking
critical questions:
Who produced this source? Is the author’s biography
(i.e., viewpoints and personal background) relevant to
understanding this source? Was the author biased or dishonest?
Did he or she have an agenda?
When was this source created? Where? Is it representative
of other sources created at the same time? In what ways is it
a product of its particular time, place, or context?
Why did the author produce this source? For what audience
and purpose? Did the author make this purpose (or argument)
explicit or implicit? Was it intended for public or private use?
Is it a work of scholarship, fiction, art, or propaganda?
How does this source compare with other sources you
have analyzed for this assignment? Does it privilege a
particular point of view? Incorporate or neglect significant
pieces of evidence? Structure its argument according to
similar (or different) time periods, geographies, participants,
themes, or events?
Although your teachers will expect a persuasive thesis
statement, they will ultimately judge your argument’s success
on the collection, organization, and presentation of its
evidence. Once again, selection is essential. Because of space
and time constraints, you will not be able to marshal an
exhaustive body of evidence. (Don’t worry! Even if you
had a lifetime to devote to this project, you could never
be exhaustive.) Instead, think carefully and critically about
what evidence to include, what to exclude, and how to frame
your analysis. Because issues of selection and interpretation
are at the heart of most historical disagreements, make sure
to consider reasonable counterarguments to your thesis.
Effective essays anticipate the reader’s likely responses and
address (if not reconcile) contradictory pieces of evidence,
rather than simply ignoring them.
Because of space and time con-
straints, you will not be able to
marshal an exhaustive body of
evidence. Instead, think carefully
and critically about what evidence
to include, what to exclude,
and how to frame your analysis.
Make sure to consider reasonable
Students interested in additional practical guidance
on the challenges of writing history should consult
the following sources:
(ARVEY¬'ORDON¬Writing with Sources: A Guide
for Students. 2nd ed. Indianapolis: Hackett, 2008.
Guide to Writing About History. 6th ed. New York:
Longman, 2006.
for History: A Guide for College Students.” Bruns-
wick, ME: Bowdoin College, 2004. http://academic.
2AMPOLLA¬-ARY¬,YNN¬A Pocket Guide to
Writing in History. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford /
St. Martin’s, 2006.
3TOREY¬7ILLIAM¬+ELLEHER¬Writing History: A Guide
for Students. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford University
Press, 2008.
4URABIAN¬+ATE¬,¬A Manual for Writers of Research
Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style
for Students and Researchers. 7th ed. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 2007.
Conventions of History Writing
Historians not only disagree about interpretations of
the past; they also disagree about proper ways of writing
about the past. Each historian writes (and, for your more
immediate purposes, evaluates) essays according to his or her
own preferred criteria. Before you embark on your project,
consult the assignment prompt once again, and make sure
that you understand its directions. If you are unclear about
the expectations for your essay, ask your instructor for
clarification. Above all else, listen to your instructor’s guidance,
even if it means disregarding the advice offered in this guide.
Nonetheless, professional historians have generally agreed
on a number of conventions, or practices, that distinguish
history writing from writing in other academic disciplines.
As you compose or revise your history paper, consider
these guidelines:
s Write in the past tense. Some students have
been taught to enliven their prose by writing in the
“literary present” tense. Such prose, while acceptable
in other disciplines, represents poor historical thinking.
Since all historical events (including the composition
of primary and secondary sources) took place at some
point in the past, write about them in the past tense.
s Avoid vague generalizations. Historians value
specificity, not equivocal phrases like “once upon a time”
or “people always say that….”
s Avoid presentism or anachronisms. Resist the
temptation to relate all historical arguments or concerns
back to the present. Rather, investigate the past on its
own terms. Take care not to jumble the chronological
order of events.
s Treat your historical subject with respect. Aspire
to understand, rather than judge, the past. Remember that
historical actors were not privy to contemporary values or
assumptions and that no historical generation (including
our own) is perfect.
s Paraphrase if you can, quote if you must.
Many students rely on quotations as a crutch, missing
an opportunity to develop their skills of historical analysis.
Instead, quote sparingly. When you do quote, introduce
the source and context of every remark for the benefit
of an unfamiliar reader.
s Provide necessary context. Good historical writing
involves active commentary and rigorous engagement
with the material. As a historian, you are responsible for
interrogating sources, interpreting evidence, and reporting
your findings about the interplay of text and context.
s Employ a responsible and consistent citation
style. Historians generally use footnotes or endnotes
(in keeping with the Chicago humanities style) to
provide references or supplemental information, though
some assignments might allow parenthetical citations.
Remember that your credibility and integrity as a scholar
is at stake. See Gordon Harvey’s Writing with Sources and
Kate L. Turabian’s Manual for detailed instruction.
s Write in a formal, academic voice. Avoid using
the first or second person (e.g., “I” and “you”), and
shy away from passive sentence constructions. Phrases
such as “I think” or “in my opinion” are redundant in
expository writing.
s Proofread, proofread, proofread. Your readers will
thank you.
Copyright 2007, Dan Wewers, for the Writing Center at Harvard College